Project 2- Rework (Update)

I have made suggested edits to cover, contents, and spread.

cover- reduced size and placement of brush shape on bottom as well as the copy within.
contents- adjusted the leading of the body copy.
spread- eliminated excess negative space below article.  




  1. This looks great! I quite like the page with the text more now that I realize just how much space there was before. Eliminating that white space makes it more appealing to the eye I think. It did look very good before, but it just keeps getting better. It's awesome. Great job!

  2. I love the progress you have made on this project. Each page is very different, yet they still all tie together really nicely and still have a common theme. I also really like the use of negative space in this project. Everything seems centered and very professional.

  3. Last little detail would be to make sure the #s in the Table of Contents sit correctly over each other. Think of a column of numbers, they sit FR - and here they are sitting FL alignment. Working with tabs can help this happen.


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