Business Card and Personal Brand Mockups

Here is my business card and mockups of what it may look like when printed.


  1. I love the contrast between the vibrant logo and the white background with black border. Is this an off-black color? I like the back of the card because of the overlapping you've created between the swirly pattern from your logo and the rectangles. I like how the rectangle on the right is black but I'm wondering if the one on the left would look better the same purple as the line surrounding your name above. Also, I think your list of services can be centered on the shape because I feel like theres a lot of room at the bottom. Nice Job!

  2. Beautiful work, Chelsea. I wonder if you need a shape at all behind the services you offer? Or maybe a different typeface? The black border around your logo gives nice contrast to your design and looks expensive. It makes your design really pop. Nice work!


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