Sign designs for Ayer conservation commission thus far
Hello everyone just dropping in the rework of the signs for the Ayer conservation commission, I want to show off what I currently have for them so far, get some input. Please note that some of the elements such as the colors and the birds will have to stay, as well as most of the text, I want more input on layouts and shape sizes vs type sizes. Here is what I have so far. Also, the bird was a logo supplied to me by the customer and they wanted it reused. .
For this first one, I already intend on tweaking the position of "thank you".
For this first one, I already intend on tweaking the position of "thank you".
Please note that these next two are works in progress, I'm trying to get more info for these
I see that there is a nice sans serif used for the words "Conservation Commission", and I think you ought to be using that (or similar) for your body copy on the signs rather than a a serif font (especially a completely new serif font as I see you've used on the Deer Hunting sign). You remember the adage "Less is more...". That works well for typography, if you don't need to use a 3rd font.... why do that? Also - the words Thank You seem to sitting directly on top of that stork's head in the Deer Hunting sign... do you think it might be too close?