Menu - Suggested Changes Made

Changes I have made to the menu include recoloring the "red" in the logo so the hue matches with the red borders, capitalized the "B" in Grand Boards, solved a negative space solution on the Hor - D'oeuvres page, rewrote headings for the "Build Your Own Board" section, and lastly thought of a design solution for the drink menu by lightening the wood texture since I did wish to keep it and placing the images in the background at a low opacity which I was happy with.


  1. This looks so great, Melissa. I like that you kept the wood textures, as I feel it adds so much richness to it, though subtle. Everything is very pleasing to the eye and I feel like everything is balanced perfectly. I don't think there's anything left to change. It's awesome!

  2. The main menu looks done to me.... nice! The changes you made to the drink menu work well! 2 more issues: should you capitalize Mixed Drinks? And, are the names of the menu items (House, Sparkling, Rose, etc) on both sizes a bit too large? If they were reduced (so that they all fit on just 1 line), you could add space above them to help "chunk" those sections a bit more. Currently those headings are equidistant between the body copy above and below. Where do they belong? To the blurb below them, right? So.... the headings need to sit more clearly with their blurbs.


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