Malala Illustrated Portrait update

I have abbreviated some of the body copy and have fit it onto the newspaper with better line spacing.  I have lowered the opacity on the books in the background so that the quote pops more.  I have increased the font size for Malala's name and have used a larger stroke around the letters.


  1. The heading change is a stroke detail, but that worked. Good. Have you thought about adding line spacing to the type under “Hate targets hope” - so the type wraps around her head and sits lower in the light gray area you have set aside for it? To more fully fill that gray area with the type makes sense to me. Now… for the quote. Part of the awkwardness comes from the books being drawn at a 2 pt perspective, and the type’s baseline being horizontal to the page. Have you tried to tilt the type to the same angle of the artwork? Also, consider using a more narrow text frame for the quote, so it doesn’t overlap the edges of the books. There is room above and below the quote, so gaining a line or 2 wouldn’t be a problem… and the text would still sit comfortably within the outer shape of those books.


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