First Project: Magazine Cover

My number one project: any thoughts?


  1. I really like the composite work here, however text is hard to read due to the color clashes or when the text goes over the photo, mainly the "Runway secrets and new fads " is a bit harder for me to read in certain places, Perhaps a subtle stroke or a darker hued copy of the text just under them would help the text stand out more?

  2. I love this piece, Charlotte. I do have to agree with Nick here. Text can be so tricky to work with sometimes with colors/strokes/shadows, but I think just a little hint of a stroke or shadow will make it fully readable. Other than this, I love the colors of the text itself and the fonts are very complimentary. The nameplate itself looks like a real nameplate to me as well. Just some technical fixes and it will all be perfect!

  3. I love the color palette you chose. The cover clearly tells the viewer that it is a fashion and beauty magazine. The fonts that you chose pair nicely with each other. I think the text, “Free Blush Samples” could be moved up to the middle of the yellow background, just a little below her eye so it doesn’t touch her face. In the middle since I think the text will fill up that empty space and balance out the design.

  4. Your challenge will be to make sure the type is readable from a distance (since this could be seen from a distance... like on a rack) but not loose the variety of colors. Color is the strongest element here, and you celebrate it well! The comments above make sense to me, and with some color shifts, maybe the type will be readable... if not, then the type needs to move a bit. This would include the words Gigi Hadid... which do seem overly hard to read. Question: does the heading here stand out enough from a distance? Do you need to strengthen that very thin font a bit more?


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