Sleeping dogs revised

So I revised the Let sleeping dogs lie image

Made it look more like the dog was sleeping as well as creating a better Typographic image


  1. I like the layout of the design so far! I think the colors you chose fit your design. I think that the sleeping dog typographic image is still hard to see in my opinion. I am having trouble seeing the dog sleeping in the type. Maybe keep working on the image to see if the type can make out the image of a sleeping dog better? Also, maybe have the green color fit the whole background instead of just on the bottom left?

  2. Nick - I really don't see the dog. Maybe you should let this project go, and move on. The detail that we need to understand in the dog's face just isn't there. Sorry.

    1. Ill try something different maybe another illustration or a better subject for a typographic image, or better yet a recreation of my type combo project from a while back


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