Project 4 Masquerade

The idea I have for this one is to turn it into a sort of Broadway-style I am currently using myriad as a subhead but I May want to play it. I will be changing the names for the theater and broadway as they are at this moment place holder text. I also noticed that i have to capitalise the Q for Quinn


  1. I really like this design! The design reminds me of the broadway play Phantom of The Opera. I like where you have placed the text and the header. The design is balanced and unified. I like the font you chose for “Masquerade.” I like how the image is in black and white except for the eye. Maybe have the eye stick out more by making it a brighter blue? Overall, Great job!

  2. The heading and the lower left text frame look like good choices for font and design. I am not sure you need the text in the lower right... is it needed? Maybe the theater name and dates of performance could sit as part of the text element in lower left. I think the composition would be more successful if you stack all the info in that area (nothing in lower right). And... the eye color . It MUST be much brighter blue... make sure it pops WAY MORE than it does now.


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