hello every one. please check this web that I created for Service Learning project.


  1. Hi Sahar, this is looking like a nice website and it is responsive. I noticed there were images missing.

    1. thanks a lot Melissa for checking. which picture have missed? which page? I can not find it

  2. On the home page, the top carousel is missing and the image in the middle of page.

  3. One of the challenges in web design is that links get broken (especially in WordPress) and different browsers present compatibility challenges. The site displayed well on Chrome the other day for me.

  4. Sahar, aside from the picture/link issues with Wordpress, I love the feel of this site. The bright orange and the sky background go so well together and there is some very easy navigation. I also adore the parallax on the home page. Wordpress and responsive design can be hard but you did a great job on this.


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