Project 7 Final(?): Victoria's Menu
I honestly didnt do much change to this project. I had no idea what to do and everytime I tried something i would revert it back. I tried re-designing the logo and changing the color pallete but it just didnt feel like it gave off the same "victorian era" aesthetic. Any suggestions on what could enhance this project would be greatly appreciated as I am lost on what I could do to it. Unless it is approved for being finished?
I think the design is a lovely victorian style. I wonder if you have thought about increasing the contrast by adding a bit of white to the pages? What about adding white in the circle brand behind the V? I also notice that on some of the pages, there seems to be "left over " negative space at the bottom ... and it could be moved up into the design (between headings and text) to be of more use. I see this on page 1 and 2, and it is really a problem on the last project with the type that sits in the box on the left. Increase your text inset and possibly your leading so that the text sits comfortably inside that bordered area. This is a really strong project!